Summer: time for evaluations and new resolutions! #greenheritage

In these months, from January to the present, the Green Heritage Project has begun to take its first steps thanks to the work and commitment of the partner network.

It all started with the kick off meeting on January 20th, 2023, held in hybrid mode – online and in presence (at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Headquarter P.le Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Rome), under the coordination of the Chair, Giuseppina Padeletti, CNR.

We like to re-share with you some snapshots from the project’s kick-off day  when the detailed work plan for the months to come was discussed among the partners.

What emerged from that first meeting continues to guide our ideas and proposals: it is important to make society more inclusive, greener, improving the education system also through tools to support green transition and digitization.

Green Heritage is a project with a strong interdisciplinary vocation, which makes cooperation and collaboration welcome and necessary to proceed synergistically toward the project’s goals and objectives. It aims at developing a holistic, innovative and inclusive approach toward direct and indirect climate change impact on intangible cultural heritage. Its goal is to bring to the forefront the neglected and often overseen issue of climate change implications on immaterial cultural heritage, seeking innovative tools and methodologies able to promote adaptive and systemic approaches to better manage climate change effect. In this respect our project aspires to function as an urgent reminder that climate change is present, affecting both directly and indirectly all aspects of Europe’s cultural heritage.

These are our resolutions for the work ahead!

Please continue to follow us for future news.